Introducing the Unlocking Happiness online summit!

The small steps I took last month have resulted in a bit of a leap; I can’t deny it.

Who knew that making an intention to spend just 29 minutes a day for 29 days would result in having something to show for it?

Because, for most of February, I didn’t appear to make any observable progress.

I spent my time thinking more than acting, exploring fundamental aspects like who I want to serve, what sorts of activities light me up, and how I can make progress while still prioritising self-care.

All important, but all focused on my internal process.

And I admit, three weeks in, I was a little embarrassed.

There I was, publicly taking these small, if imperfect, steps towards some “big leap” on the last day of February, and yet there was nothing in sight.

Until I was folding some laundry early one evening and I thought to myself, “Huh. It’s the International Day of Happiness in a month’s time. I could do a little online summit for it.”

Within ten minutes (before I could talk myself out of the idea), I floated it with an online community I’m a part of, received a wealth of encouragement, interest, and support, and well, here we are.

A small but perfectly formed set of 20-minute conversations will go live on Wednesday 20th March 2024, sharing wisdom and knowledge from a select number of practitioners, explorers, and heart-centred catalysts.

Each talk in the Unlocking Happiness online summit will offer three ideas, prompts, insights, etc that hope to ‘unlock’ that particular topic and allow more happiness into your life.

And I’m excited to say that I’ll also be giving my own talk on “Unlocking People-Pleasing.”

Please head to the Unlocking Happiness summit page to sign up for updates and FREE access when it goes live, and I look forward to seeing you on March 20th!


A question to ponder


Small steps