Meaningful conversations about being human

More potential, less effort

Looking after ourselves is a radical act. Cultivate the practises that fuel your tank and increase your capacity to respond rather than react, make new choices, and shift the habitual thinking that keeps us running in circles.

Understanding is love’s other name

We’re wired for love and connection, and without them, we suffer. Dropping the insecure thinking that colours our perspective, we can meet those we love with more grace, compassion, and heartfulness.

Develop the tools to “wayfind”

Our heart’s excitement is a signal often lost in the noise. An inner compass means that even when maps are drawn by others, we can still choose to navigate a different path that feels more authentic, congruent, and meaningful.

Everything I do is built around these three words: nurture then manage.

We need to nurture ourselves in small, regular and often creative ways, before we can handle the stress in our lives.

Why? Because when we’re stressed we end up starving the part of the brain that takes more considered decisions.

Until our fight-or-flight response is soothed, trying to manage ourselves is like trying to turn down the oven in a kitchen that’s currently on fire; misguided, inefficient, and somebody’s gonna get burned.

Luckily, self-compassion is our emotional fire brigade:

  • Self-kindness is being friendly, generous and considerate towards ourselves. Unlike numbing, which often leaves us feeling guilty, self-kindness and soothing leaves us feeling restored, renewed and peaceful.

  • Mindfulness, which simply means paying attention. By noticing our thoughts and how we feel with a gentle curiosity, we can recognise that we’re something separate from our thoughts and emotions.

  • Common humanity means accepting that we’re only human, and that we’re not alone in being human.

We all feel scared, a failure, too much or not enough in various areas of our lives. The shame of those feelings keeps us isolated and disconnected from ourselves and others.

It’s common humanity which helps us to know that what we fear set us apart from others actually connects us to others, through shared feelings and experiences.

And the more we’re able to attend to our own needs, the more we can positively impact others through our presence as well as our actions.

What can you expect?

An intuitive approach

When I listen to people, it’s common for me to see words, images, or metaphors which reveal a deeper layer of meaning and understanding. I spot patterns between ideas, actions, or behaviours, offering back a mosaic that puts things into a bigger perspective or context.

Process over outcomes

Outcomes are what we’re used to, but in an emergent space - a field of possibility - it’s more useful to think in terms of process, growth, and transformation. Ideas cannot be predicted, but creating the right conditions allows us to be moved by the current of life more gracefully.

A “safe enough” space

You will be encouraged, supported, and deeply heard, and feel incredibly safe and accepted. But I will also lovingly disrupt you with playfully direct humour, and ask to say “the shitty thing out loud” if my intuition suggests that it’s helpful to shift a habitual pattern of thinking!

“Anya has a seemingly effortless ability to connect the dots between disparate sources of information in order to create new insights and perspectives.

She shares her knowledge with compassionate grace and humble love such that she attracts support and requests for support from everyone she meets. She holds space for learning and growth in a way that's inclusive, safe and structured.”

— Carlos Saba, co-founder The Happy Startup School

Rates per 1-hour session

Pay It Forward (support) rate

This is for you if you wish to support sessions for those who cannot afford Standard rates.

Standard (equitable) rate

This is for you if you have a secure income, and it allows me to create the same.

Solidarity (reduced) rate

This is a highly discounted rate for those who are on a low/precarious incomes.

10% discount for block bookings of 5 or more sessions available.

Let’s get to know each other.

Fill in my Working Together form, or go straight to booking a free 30 mins Virtual Coffee.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation afterwards.

A photo of Anya Pearse - a smiling woman wearing glasses and a green blouse