Anya Pearse at Summercamp 2022

Slow down. Be gentle. Invite joy.

Hey there. I’m Anya.

I help smart and kind people reject burnout and embrace soft living with less guilt or shame.

“What if we stopped celebrating being busy as a measurement of importance?

What if instead we celebrated how much time we had spent listening, pondering, meditating, and enjoying time with the most important people in our lives?”

— Greg McKeown, Essentialism

What is “soft living”?

Originating amongst Nigerian influencers in 2022, “a soft life” began as a way to describe “easy and comfortable living.”

Since then, it’s been misused to describe a desire for wealth, luxury, and financial dependence.

However, psychologist Mark Traver’s defines it in Forbes as:

  • A rejection of hustle culture

  • Revitalising health through self-care

  • Living intentionally while creating boundaries

I have an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology, studying ‘the science of what makes life worth living.’

Positive psychology reveals what’s fundamental for our wellbeing: focusing on self-compassion, relationships, meaning, and creativity. I see a strong link to soft living.

I’ve also lived with a disabling chronic health condition since 2006. This has involved self-care, self-compassion, saying no, and embracing a quieter way of living.

And so to me, a soft life is how I’ve lived for almost 20 years.

  • An Hour of Kindness

    Give yourself the gentleness you need

  • Coaching

    Explore your options and uncover a way forward

  • The Unlocking Happiness Summit

    8 experts, unlocking happiness 20 minutes at a time. FREE ACCESS

Anya Pearse and Mark Steadman

The A - Z of Happiness Podcast

With Anya Pearse and Mark Steadman

Explore the science of happiness, one letter at a time.

I know so many big-hearted and caring people who struggle to give themselves the care they give others, to know their own needs, or to stop prioritising the needs of others

Which is why I’ve made a free 4-part 50-minute video course, The People Pleaser’s First Aid Kit.

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